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This section is under heavy development.

To be added: examples of each of the mask types.

Mask Types

There are a few different types of mask that you may come across, and it's worth knowing the difference between them.

Mask Shapes

Full Lock Masks

A full lock mask is a mask that fully covers the head, and often features a locking mechanism to fully secure the mask to the head. This doesnt mean you need to lock it, but it does mean you can, they often secure nicely even without a lock.

3/4 Mask

A 3/4 mask still covers most of the head, often having a flexible rear area with the wig covering the rest of the head. Often easier to transport and store, it and full lock masks are the most popular types. They have a slightly less defined shape than a full lock, but still provide the anime style head shape kigurumi love and enjoy.

1/2 Mask

The less popular of the types, covering even less of the face.


Most masks are either FRP, or 3d printed, neither material is perfect or without their own pros and cons. Regardless of material, do treat your mask with care and love.


The classic material, think similar to a fiberglass material. Many makers using FRP will use base molds between design types, customizing the mask to the final design rather than a unique mold for each mask.

3D Printed

Many makers these days opt to 3d print masks, some using resin, some using FDM printers. While typically more fragile, they enable far more comprehensive customization options, although this does not guarantee a maker using 3d printing will offer any and every customization option.

Additional Resources

To be added: mask repair